About VDRPro

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intralinks vdrpro
#Intralinks SS&C News

The Intralinks vdr team has created an enhanced way to speed up workflows and close deals. Companies are increasing efficiency and making information even more secure. After assessing the needs of customers, the provider divided the product to improve the quality of services.


Dataroom makes the marketing process less complicated. Now there are wider opportunities to protect the reputation of parties and a nondisclosure agreement. The program:

  • captures actions without user effort,
  • keeps top-secret documents in dedicated storage,
  • provides information about transactions of investors or buyers on the platform


This application is for the buyer’s side and guarantees transparency through due diligence. Artificial intelligence makes it faster:

  • Organization of documentation without deviating from the checklist,
  • A clear statement of tasks and the creation of responsible groups of workers,
  • Track progress in real-time


Possession of such tools makes it easier to manage transactions. Structured data is the ability to implement an M&A strategy. Among other things are:

  • Folder-level access settings,
  • A task mechanism that allows you to distribute the load,
  • Visibility of operations.

DealCentre offers every director a package of benefits helpful at every stage of the organization’s life. Intralinks virtual data rooms are now known as VDRPro, which stands for cutting-edge technology.

Zoom Integration

Working conditions in the modern world require new solutions. Video files have become an integral part of the M&A process. Like any other format, this one is also protected and accessible only with admin permission. Thanks to the integration, just a few clicks are enough to upload video files.

A secure virtual data room for M&A is the key to success. The more a developer has to offer, the more a customer owns to keep things running smoothly.

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